Source code for cosmel.corpus.corpus

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

__author__    = 'Mu Yang <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2017-2018'

from cosmel.util import *
from cosmel.repo import *
from cosmel.corpus.article import *
from cosmel.corpus.parsed  import *
from cosmel.corpus.mention import *

[docs]class Corpus: """The corpus class. Args: article_root (str): the path to the folder containing word segmented article files. parsed_root (str): the path to the folder containing parsed article files. mention_root (str): the path to the folder containing mention files. parts (list): the list of article/mention parts. skips (list): the list of articles to be ignored. skip_file (str): the file of list of articles to be ignored. Notes: * Load all articles from ``article_root``/``part`` for all ``part`` in ``parts``. * Load all parsed article from ``parsed_root``/``part`` for all ``part`` in ``parts``. * Load all mentions from ``mention_root``/``part`` for all ``part`` in ``parts``. """ def __init__(self, article_root, *args, parsed_root=None, mention_root=None, parts=[''], skips=[], skip_file=''): skips_ = list(skips) if len(args) != 0: print('Please use mention_root=<mention_root> instead of using it directly.') assert len(args) == 0 if skip_file: with open(skip_file) as fin: skips_ +='\n') self.__article_set = ArticleSet(article_root, parts=parts, skips=skips_) self.__id_to_article = Id2Article(self.__article_set) if parsed_root: self.__parsed_article_set = ParsedArticleSet(parsed_root, self.__article_set) self.__id_to_parsed_article = Id2ParsedArticle(self.__id_to_article) if mention_root: self.reload_mention(mention_root)
[docs] def reload_mention(self, mention_root): self.__mention_bundle_set = MentionBundleSet(mention_root, self.__article_set) self.__mention_set = MentionSet(self.__mention_bundle_set) self.__id_to_mention = Id2Mention(self.__mention_set) self.__id_to_mention_bundle = Id2MentionBundle(self.__id_to_article) self.__head_to_mention_list = Head2MentionList(self.__mention_set)
@property def article_set(self): """:class:`.ArticleSet`: the article set.""" return self.__article_set @property def id_to_article(self): """:class:`.Id2Article`: the dictionary maps article ID to article object.""" return self.__id_to_article @property def parsed_article_set(self): """:class:`.ParsedArticleSet`: the parsed article set.""" return self.__parsed_article_set @property def id_to_parsed_article(self): """:class:`.Id2ParsedArticle`: the dictionary maps article ID to parsed article object.""" return self.__id_to_parsed_article @property def mention_set(self): """:class:`.MentionSet`: the mention set.""" return self.__mention_set @property def mention_bundle_set(self): """:class:`.MentionBundleSet`: the mention bundle set.""" return self.__mention_bundle_set @property def id_to_mention(self): """:class:`.Id2Mention`: the dictionary maps article ID, sentence ID, and mention ID to mention object.""" return self.__id_to_mention @property def id_to_mention_bundle(self): """:class:`.Id2MentionBundle`: the dictionary maps article ID to mention bundle.""" return self.__id_to_mention_bundle @property def head_to_mention_list(self): """:class:`.NameHead2MentionList`: the dictionary maps head word to mention object list.""" return self.__head_to_mention_list